Your Radio Career
Job Placement
All Radio Connection graduates receive job placement assistance for a
period of 7 years, unlike schools who help only with that first job. Radio
Connection remains a constant resource upon which you can rely as you move
up in your broadcasting career. This is proven by the fact that many of our
graduates have advanced to major markets and accepted such responsible
positions as Program Directors and Station Managers.
Often students are hired by their training station. It's quite natural
since you have an understanding of how that particular station functions,
and have built a rapport with station personnel. (Not to mention that your
counselor is often the person responsible for hiring and you are there when
openings arise.)
Since we are in direct contact with Program Directors and Station Owners
all over the country on a daily basis, we are uniquely capable of
initiating your application and opening some of the most sought after doors
in the world.
Your Opportunity Is Waiting
A wide variety of exciting, creative and financially rewarding jobs are
available in the growing field of BROADCASTING for trained people of all
ages. The Radio Connection is designed to give you the proper training,
which combined with your own ambition and motivation can open the door to a
challenging and glamorous career.