Enter to Win a Roland VS-880EX Digital Hard Disk Recorder!

That's right, FREE! Recording Connection helps launch people into recording engineer careers. Now, we're going to help you make your home studio sound great by giving one of you lucky registrants a FREE Roland VS880EX!

If you entered the contest, don't bother to re-enter--the computer will eliminate duplicate entries.

All you need to do to register to win is fill out the form below. It's short and you don't need to be a rocket scientist to figure it out.

We want your name and address so we can occasionally send you Recording Connection information, but we promise not to get obnoxious about it. We also promise not to sell your name to some sleazy mailing list company. See there, you've got nothing to worry about, and you've got a real shot at getting a FREE Roland VS880EX! The winner will be picked in a random drawing on January 1st, 2002.

Entry Form

(Fields labeled in Red are Required.)

First Name:
Last Name:
(Note: address is only for our files--it will not appear online)


ZIP/Postal Code:



Do you have a home studio? (choose one )
Yes No

If so, how many tracks do you have? (choose one )
4 8 16 24 more

Where do you find your information on recording? (list magazines, Web sites, etc.)

What's your primary goal regarding recording? (choose one )
I just want to record my own music.
I would like to build my own studio into a business.
I would like to work in a professional recording studio.

Are you currently in college? (choose one )
Yes No

If you were searching the Internet for a career in Recording Engineering, what terms would you type into a Search Engine?

The Fine Print
Career Connection students ARE eligible. You must be 18 yrs. or older to register. You must be a resident of planet Earth. Only one registration per person. Only one registration per household. Names entered will remain in the database forever, so there is no need to register for subsequent years. Duplicate names and/or addresses will be purged and disqualified, so don't try any funny stuff. State, local, and national laws regarding contests may apply, but only if we get caught. Then again, this isn't really a contest. It's just our way of giving a really nice gift! It's conceivable you may have to pay sales tax if you're the lucky recipient and you live in California. Employees, affiliates, and relatives of employees of Career Connection and Roland may not register.


Roland VS-880EX


Video Clips
Recording Resources

Link to Recording Connection

"Mike McQuaid did so well in your audio engineering course that I hired him as a second engineer and use him on a continual basis."
-- Brian Levi,
Clear Lake Audio

"Les Arenson got a job as an editor in a post house working on DAWs, slicing and dicing audio bits for television broadcast. He probably makes more money than I do now."
-- Douglas Tomooka,
TNT Recording

"I highly recommend this program to anyone wanting to start out in the recording industry."
-- Gabrielle Birchak,
Student, A&M Records

"James Prince is going to be training to become the new studio manager (a full-time position), as well as continuing his engineering studies and training."
-- Greg Gordon,
Owner, Pyramind Studios

"Your program is thorough, up-to-date and precise. I have not found a couse that covers the area of digital technology as well as yours."
-- Shay Baby,
Owner, Goodnight L.A.

"Hats off to Recording Connection! What a great way to include the "real world" element in a recording course."
-- Al Johnson,
President, Score One Recording