Pyramind Sound
A San Francisco Audio Network Recording Studio
39 Gilbert Street
San Francisco, California 94103
(415) 863-8565

TO: Jimmie - Career Connection

FROM: Greg Gordon - Pyramind Sound

As per your request, I am sending this letter to officially announce my decision to hire James Prince on a part time basis, even though at this time he has not completed his course as of yet. His personal attitude toward his work, quick learning skills, and overall dedication have proven to me to be an asset worth holding on to. Currently James is going to be training to become the new studio manager (a full time position), as well as continuing his engineering studies and training. James has been officially added to the Pyramind staff as of April 1, 1997. I would appreciate if you could forward the bonus entitled to us for hiring him. I want to thank you for sending James to us, and wish you continued success in your ventures.


Greg Gordon
Owner Pyramind Studios


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"Ralph Mejia is now a permanent part of our staff. He became an invaluable asset to this company even before completing the Recording Connection course."
-- William M. Garcelon,
Chief Engineer,
Chicago Trax